Technical reports 2002

A-2002-1 Tarja Tiainen, Information System Specialist Predispositions. March 2002.
Abstract. This dissertation discusses predispositions on two levels: First, three main types of predispositions are outlined and discussed on a broad level. Second, predispositions among information system (IS) specialists, in particular, are made explicit and some dominant types are clarified. Predispositions are unquestionable assumptions, beliefs that are taken for granted, common sense and normal ways of behaviour. The central theme on which this dissertation concentrates is IS specialists' predispositions. IS specialists are persons who design, create and mediate IS and ICT (information and communication technology) and so influence the working environment of others in significant ways.
IS development is group activity in which people from several occupational groups work together - IS specialists comprise one of those groups. IS specialists not only work with other occupational groups in IS development; some of them work with users in their everyday IS use; for example, when users encounter problems in using an IS or ICT. There are challenges in multi-occupational groups working together, as several studies confirm. Predispositions have effects on group activity; it is easier to work with people who share the same predispositions. Predispositions have effects on what problems are noticed and on what possible development paths are identified. Furthermore, predispositions influence which issues can be negotiated and the negotiation process, i.e., determining which arguments are relevant.
In this dissertation IS specialists' predispositions are studied by using an interpretative approach applied to two text sets. Both text sets have been produced by IS specialists and their topic was envisioning the future. The first text set includes 31 essays, which were written by computing pioneers, industry observers, and technical leaders in the IS and ICT fields. The essays were published in the Communications of the ACM in 1997. The second text set consists of 24 interviews of Finnish IS specialists. They describe their visions of the future from several perspectives. The analysis of the text sets focuses on cultural aspects by using discourse analysis.
The text sets portray the future from a technology-centred perspective; for example, technology is presented as the most important - or even the only - driving force of development. Furthermore, the text sets include a masculine world view, in which women are presented as problems. In any case, the text sets portray a one-sided view of people. They do not wholly ignore people but their view of people is reductionist, underrating people's knowledge and possibilities. The results not only describe the individuals' predispositions but also the predispositions of the community of IS specialists and the IS field, as well.
Key words and phrases: information system, technology shaping, views of technology, technology-centricity, future visions, predisposition, IS specialists, computing professionals, masculinity, gender studies, interpretive IS research.
Ph.D. Dissertation.
A-2002-1 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 163.

A-2002-2 Juha Lehikoinen, Interacting with Wearable Computers: Techniques and Their Application in Wayfinding Using Digital Maps. September 2002. Abstract. Wearable computers are a special case of mobile computers. They are either embedded in clothing, or they may even be the clothing. They are very personal in nature, being always with the user, always on and always ready. The aim in developing wearable computers is to provide the user with instant and easy-to-use access to digital information sources anytime, anywhere.
Wearable computers are a potential platform for several location-aware software applications. One such application is a personal navigation assistant that is aware of the user's current geographical location, and has access to a database that contains maps of the current surroundings. Equipped this way, the assistant can provide the user with easy to understand and real-time instructions on how to reach a specific destination, and assist in exploring the environment without getting lost.
This dissertation addresses the issues that arise when personal navigation assistants for wearable computers are developed. The research comprises eight studies in the areas of human-map interaction, wearable computing, and human-computer interaction. Two research methods have been applied: in the constructive research part, a navigation application, including several interaction techniques suitable for wearable use, has been developed. In the empirical research part, the methods and techniques developed have been evaluated to assess their usability. As a result - in addition to the navigation application itself - a set of user interaction techniques and interface components that support the various tasks needed in wayfinding has been proposed. These include a finger-based interaction technique, an efficient list searching technique, and a novel pocket-based user interface metaphor. The results also include guidelines for designing the map behavior while navigating.
Ph.D. Dissertation.
A-2002-2 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 207.

A-2002-3 Markku Siermala, Local Prediction of Secondary Structures of Protein from Viewpoints of Rare Structure. May 2002.
Abstract. This dissertation deals with the local prediction of protein secondary structure from the viewpoint of rare secondary structures. Protein three-dimensional structures are needed in the biomedical field because structures indicate something about the functions of proteins, and functions are almost everything that happens in a living cell. Unfortunately, it is difficult to ascertain the structure of a protein, because the details of the structure are located at the level of atoms. However, an amino acid sequence is fairly easy to solve and can also be produced from a DNA sequence. This could be a shortcut to the structure and function of proteins. We searched for ways to better understand the prediction challenge of secondary structures. Our research started with polyproline type II secondary structure prediction. The results showed that a neural network behaved well when the learning and test sets had a uniform class distribution. However, the identification of amino acid sequences that represent a rare class was difficult with class distribution of the real world. In this context, prediction was hampered by imbalanced class distribution. We developed spectrum and response analysis for the neural network which reveal the reasons for a certain decision. The frequencies of prolines affected a major part of decisions and this was almost all that a neural network could learn from the data. Apparently input sequences can take the evolutionary pre-information to the learning process. With the polyproline II structure this was a promosing idea and aroused interest in using the method with other structures and other pre-information types. With hyperspheres we developed a learning algorithm that achieved excellent prediction accuracy with all known secondary structure types. Unfortunately, the method leaves cases unclassified - if uncertain generalization is reduced, hyperspheres can achieve better prediction accuracies. Finally, for all secondary structure types we analyzed the space used and found explanations for how the structure types behave in the sequence space. The results showed that polyproline II is an exception among other types because of its sensitivity to the amino acid proline. We were able to show that for half of sequences the nearest case seek its one's way to the distance as cases were randomly generated. Therefore, in the sequence space there are no large clusters. Rather, around the individual case (sequence) there is a sphere with high probability of achieving the same secondary structure type.
Key words and phrases: secondary structure prediction, neural network, machine learning
Ph.D. Dissertation.
A-2002-3 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 180.

A-2002-4 Isto Aho, New polynomial time instances to various knapsack type problems. April 2002.
Abstract. We describe a special case of the interactive knapsack optimization problem (motivated by the load clipping problem) solvable in polynomial time. Given an instance parameterized by k, the solution can be found in the polynomial time, where the polynomial has degree k. In the interactive knapsack problem k is connected to the length induced by an item. A similar construction solves a special case of the 0-1 multi-dimensional knapsack and the 0-1 linear integer programming problems in polynomial time. In these problems the parameter determines the width of the restriction matrix, which is a band matrix. We extend the 0-1 multi-dimensional knapsack solution to 0-n multi-dimensional knapsack problems (and to 0-n IP problems). Our algorithms are based on the (resource bounded) shortest path search: we represent restrictions efficiently in a form of a graph such that each feasible solution has a path between given source and target vertices.
Compressed Postscript

A-2002-5 Pekka Ketola, Integrating Usability with Concurrent Engineering in Mobile Phone Development. June 2002.
Abstract. The technical complexity of mobile phones is continually increasing due to the introduction of new functions and technologies. The development organisations face an increasing challenge in making the products usable and useful. If for any reason an organisation does not apply user-centred design during the product development phase, the usability engineers may encounter problems in doing their daily work efficiently and effectively. A practical solution is to adapt usability engineering to the specific product development process by applying standard project practices, planning and risk management. The problem studied is how usability engineering can be integrated with the Concurrent Engineering development process. The main research activity was to perform usability engineering in a product development lifecycle during the period 1998-2002. A secondary activity was to assess how successful the same usability engineering approach was in other development projects during the same time period.
The main result of this case study is to amend and supplement Concurrent Engineering with usability engineering activities, reported in the form of Usability Engineering Guidelines. They enable effective and efficient usability engineering in a complex product development setting. For this we must understand the limitations and opportunities that Concurrent Engineering set for usability engineering especially in the context of mobile phone development, and to provide well-defined tools for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of usability engineering. The particular activities and products of this study are Usability Assessment, Usability Plan, and Usability Risk Management. Usability Assessment is the activity that verifies that the development team has a common understanding in a very early phase about the challenges for product usability. On a practical level the Usability Plan identifies what factors are important for the success of the developed product and by what coordination and execution activities the success (meeting user requirements) can be verified. Usability Risk Management is a method for managing and communicating the emerging usability problem areas during the development process.
This dissertation presents Usability Engineering Guidelines for avoiding and minimising the basic usability engineering problems, namely lack of management support and usability activities undertaken too late. From the product development perspective this dissertation shows that usability engineering has an important role in minimizing uncertainties in product design, building and communicating the overall understanding of the product to be developed, and in connecting development teams of parallel design areas. The long-term planning of usability work is a powerful tool especially in organizing and integrating usability work in a complex organisational setting.
Keywords and phrases: user-centred design, usability engineering, Concurrent Engineering, smart product, information appliance, mobile phone, product development, action research, innovation.
Ph.D. Dissertation.
A-2002-5 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 185.

A-2002-6 Hannakaisa Isomäki, The Prevailing Conceptions of the Human Being in Information Systems Development: Systems Designers’ Reflections. May 2002.
Abstract. The goal of human-centred information systems development (ISD) is to adjust information systems (IS) to meet human characteristics and action. This perspective is in this study referred to as the humanisation of IS. Traditionally, the prevailing argument has been that the humanisation of IS can be best achieved by utilising human-centred ISD methodologies. In this study it is argued that it is the prevailing conceptions of IS designers of the user that are more fundamental. Even if the designers are to use a human-centred methodology the designers’ intentions and design activity will be directed by their conceptions about the nature of those people that will interact with the system.
This dissertation investigates the nature and comprehensiveness of information systems (IS) designers’ conceptions of the human being as a user of an IS. Two particular standpoints are taken in the study. First, the user is defined as a human being. This means that users are conceptualised according to their fundamental constituents as humans rather than in terms of different instrumental tasks and purposes which people accomplish with the aid of IS. Second, IS designers’ conceptions of humans as users of an IS are seen as knowledge that reflects IS designers’ competence in humanising IS. Competence is here seen as constituted by the meaning that users take on for the designers in their experience, which, in turn, reflect partial or more comprehensive notions of people indicating qualitatively different levels of competence.
An interpretatively oriented approach referred to as phenomenography was adopted in this study. By drawing on in-depth interviews with 20 Finnish IS designers, 18 qualitatively different conceptions of the human being were categorised from the IS designers’ descriptions. These conceptions are not only varied in their conceptualisations of the different human qualities, but also constitute a hierarchy of competence. This hierarchy can be drawn up in terms of three forms of thought: the separatist, functional, and holistic forms of thought. The separatist form of thought provides designers predominantly with technical perspectives and a capacity to objectify matters. The functional form of thought focuses on external task information and task productivity, nevertheless, with the help of positive emotions. The holistic form of thought provides designers with competence in human-centred ISD, although without revealing all aspects of the richness of the human condition.
The study rethinks the conception of the human being in ISD. The empirical results suggest that only few of the Finnish IS designers have the ability to contribute to the humanisation of IS.
Keywords and phrases: human-centred ISD, information system, conception of the human being, IS designers, competence, forms of thought, interpretive IS research, phenomenography
Ph.D. Dissertation.
A-2002-6 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 188.

A-2002-7 Marko Helenius, A System to Support the Analysis of Antivirus Products' Virus Detection Capabilities. June 2002.
Abstract. Computer viruses have become a threat to computer users and computer antivirus products have been developed to facilitate the prevention of computer viruses. Unfortunately, computer antivirus products are not perfect solutions and therefore antivirus product evaluation is needed. One important aspect of computer antivirus product evaluation is analysis of products' virus detection and prevention capabilities. First an introduction to computer viruses and antivirus products' virus detection analysis is presented. We will conclude that analysis of computer antivirus products' virus detection capabilities is a difficult task because of the large number of computer viruses, complex tasks involved with test bed preparation and multiple operations of antivirus products. The author shows that many tasks supporting the analysis of computer antivirus product's virus detection capabilities can be made computer-supported.
The author presents a development of computer-supported processes, which have facilitated evaluation of antivirus products' virus detection capabilities in various operating environments. These include such processes as automatic virus replication in a controlled environment, automatic evaluation of antivirus programs working actively in the background and automatic processes developed for Windows environment. The major part of the dissertation is devoted to the development phases and self-assessment of a system that can be used for automating these subtasks. Since we consider time saving of the processes as the most critical characteristic, the self-assessment concentrates on efficiency of the processes compared to manually accomplished operations. Problems with different tasks are addressed and also solutions for the problems are provided. The computer-supported processes discussed are especially useful for those who are interested in antivirus product evaluation or virus related aspects of antivirus product quality control. The author shows that the developed processes can save an enormous amount of work and can improve the quality of the evaluation results.
Ph.D. Dissertation.
A-2002-7 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 190.

A-2002-8 Kati Viikki, Machine Learning on Otoneurological Data: Decision Trees for Vertigo Diseases. June 2002.
Abstract. Expert systems may be characterised as computerised advisory systems that perform in narrow domains at a level comparable to human experts. The success of expert systems lies essentially in the knowledge embedded in their knowledge bases.
This study concerns refining and expanding the knowledge base of an otoneurological expert system ONE. ONE was developed to support decision-making for diseases involving vertigo. Its knowledge base contains descriptions or patterns for vertigo diseases in the form of weights and fitness values. The knowledge for the first version of ONE was elicited from experienced otoneurologists and the literature. In this study, machine learning is utilised in knowledge acquisition. Decision tree induction is applied to data collected on otoneurological patients in order to acquire diagnostic knowledge. Special attention is paid to data pre-processing in order to construct classifiers for real world diagnostic situations. This work produces a variable grouping method based on graph theoretic techniques. The method is useful as such, giving insight into data and, further, it can be used in feature subset selection. The knowledge acquired by decision trees is used in the refinement of ONE's knowledge base, in which fitness values learned from data and also different weighting schemes are studied. The refinement work produces a better performing knowledge base for real world situations.
Keywords and phrases: Machine learning, decision tree induction, data pre-processing, feature subset selection, expert systems, knowledge acquisition, knowledge base refinement, otoneurological data, vertigo
Ph.D. Dissertation.
A-2002-8 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 189.

A-2002-9 Juha Hautamäki, Task-driven framework specialization. Goal-oriented approach. May 2002.
Abstract. The importance of reusing approved design solutions is widely recognized in software engineering. Object-oriented frameworks, design patterns, etc., are ways to reuse existing knowledge. However, some problems remain, particularly how to guide the application developer to reuse so that the design is eventually implemented in a software project.
FRED (FRamework EDitor) is a prototype of a task-driven architecture-oriented programming environment that can be used to implement architectural solutions. Architecture-specific instructions are given to the tool as specialization patterns; these formal specifications make it possible to automatically compute how to implement design solutions during the software development process. FRED manages the im-plementation process as a gradually progressing work, where each step is recorded and may have effects to the steps to come. This enables, for instance, documentation and source code generation that uses application-specific names familiar to the application developer. Further, the application developer can be instantly notified if he violates the architectural rules embodied by the given specialization patterns.
This thesis describes the FRED environment. A goal-oriented approach is introduced to model design solutions as a set of specialization patterns. We also explain the mechanism to produce a sequence of programming tasks to implement the solution. To experiment with the environment, an industrial framework was annotated with thirteen specialization patterns.
Keywords and phrases: development environment, framework, framework adaptation, framework specialization, pattern, software architecture, software engineering, software reuse.

A-2002-10 Timo Niemi, Lasse Hirvonen and Kalervo Järvelin, Multidimensional data model and query language for advanced applications. June 2002.
Abstract. Multidimensional data analysis or OLAP offers a single subject-oriented source for analysing summary data based on different factors (dimensions). The OLAP approach gives a promising starting point for advanced analysis and comparison among summary data collected from an application. At the moment there is not one precise, commonly accepted logical/conceptual model for multidimensional analysis. This is due to the fact that the requirements of applications vary considerably. We develop such a conceptual/logical multidimensional model on the basis of which it is possible to define the complex and unpredictable analysing needs typical of advanced applications. We use informetrics as our advanced sample application. Summary data are considered in respect to some dimensions and by changing dimensions the user can make another view to the same summary data. In the paper we develop a multidimensional query language whose basic idea is to afford the possibility of defining views in the way which is natural and intuitive for ordinary users. We show that this view-oriented query language has a great expressive power and its degree of declarativeness is greater than in the existing operation-oriented or SQL-like OLAP query languages.
Keywords and phrases: informetrics, OLAP, multidimensional data model, multidimensional query language, user interface

A-2002-11 Torsti Rantapuska, Motivational structure of end-user application developers in organisational learning. August 2002.
Ph.D. Dissertation.
A-2002-11 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 200.

A-2002-12 Marko Niinimäki, Miika Tuisku, and Matti Heikkurinen, Patters, XML and MDV, a case study. August 2002.
Abstract. In this paper, we aim to study design patterns in the context of a software package called MDV (MetaData Visualisation). The development of this software was relatively fast-paced and performed by a team split into two physical locations for large part of the most active development period.  The original design documents did not contain any overt use of design pattern methodology and all of the developers were not familiar with design patterns. We believe that analysing the design of such a software, starting from the original forces that drove the requirement specification, can provide a valuable insight into the general nature of patterns. We will also discuss ways to measure if the quality and productivity of further development of this kind of project could be improved by using pattern-based analysis of existing software.

A-2002-13 Isto Aho, Interactive knapsacks: Theory and applications. November 2002.
Abstract. The interactive knapsack problems are generalizations of the classical knapsack problem.  Three different new NP-complete decision problems, interactive knapsack heuristic decision (IKHD), interactive knapsack desicion (IKD), and multi-dimensional interactive knapsack (MDIK), are presented for the interactive knapsack model. The interactions occur between knapsacks when an item is put into a knapsack. We identify several natural interaction types. Interactive knapsacks with one item are closely related to the 0-1 multi-dimensional knapsack problem.
By using interactive knapsacks we model various planning and scheduling problems in an innovative way.  We show interactive knapsacks to have several applications, for example, in electricity management, single and multiprocessor scheduling, and packing of two, three and n-dimensional items to different knapsacks. Many natural problems related to interactive knapsacks are NP-complete.  IKD and MDIK are shown to be strongly NP-complete.
IKHO and IKO are introduced as optimization versions of IKHD and IKD, respectively.  IKHO and IKO are shown to be APX-hard. Further, we describe special cases of IKHO and IKO solvable in polynomial time;  given an instance parameterized by k, the solution can be found in polynomial time, where the polynomial has degree k. A similar construction solves a special case of the 0-1 multi-dimensional knapsack and the 0-1 linear integer programming problems in polynomial time. We extend the 0-1 multi-dimensional knapsack solution to 0-n multi-dimensional knapsack problems and to 0-n integer programming problems.  Our algorithms are based on the resource bounded shortest path search: we represent restrictions efficiently in a form of a graph such that each feasible solution has a path between given source and target vertices.
We apply interactive knapsacks to load clipping used in electricity management. Specifically, we implement several heuristic methods, dynamic programming, enumerative, and genetic algorithms for solving direct load control problem. The enumerative method and dynamic programming are slow while the heuristics and genetic algorithms are faster.  The dynamic programming gives best results in reasonable time.  Heuristics, however, are several times faster than the other methods.
Ph.D. Dissertation.
A-2002-13 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 217.

A-2002-14 F.L. Tiplea, E. Mäkinen, D. Trinca, and C. Enea, Characterization results for time-varying codes. October 2002.
Abstract. Time-varying associate variable length code words to letters being encoded depending on their positions in the input string. These codes have been introduced by Tiplea, Mäkinen and Enea as a proper extension of L-codes.
This paper is devoted to a further study of time-varying codes. First, we show that adaptive Huffman encodings are special cases of encodings by time-varying codes. Then, we focus on three kinds of characterization results: characterization results based on decompositions over families of sets of words, a Schutzenberger like criterion, and a Sardinas-Patterson like characterization theorem. All of them extend the corresponding characterization results known for classical variable length codes.

A-2002-16 Timo Poranen, 3D polyline grid drawings of graphs with linear crossing number. December 2002.
Abstract. This article studies the properties of three dimensional visibility representations of planar graphs and three dimensional crossing-free polyline grid drawings of non-planar graphs with known crossing number.
First, we show how to construct in linear time a three dimensional polygonal z-visibility representation for planar graph having n vertices with volume $\lceil \sqrt{\lfloor 3n/2  \rfloor -3} \rceil \times \lceil \sqrt{\lfloor 3n/2  \rfloor -3} \rceil \times (n-1)$. This sharpens earlier results for three dimensional visibility representations for planar graphs.
Second, we show that a planar graph with n-vertices and m-edges, without any restrictions concerning its degree, admits a three dimensional crossing-free polyline grid drawing with volume $\lceil \sqrt{\lfloor 3n/2  \rfloor -3} \rceil \times \lceil \sqrt{\lfloor 3n/2  \rfloor -3} \rceil \times 3(n-1)$ having at most 2m total edge bends.
Third, we give a drawing algorithm for non-planar graphs. Let G be a non-planar graph with n-vertices and m edges and let $G_p$ be the planarized version of G with n vertices and n' dummy vertices. We show how to construct in O(n+n') time three dimensional crossing-free polyline grid drawing of G with volume $2 \lceil \sqrt{\lfloor 3(n+n')/2  \rfloor -3} \rceil \times 2 \lceil \sqrt{\lfloor 3(n+n')/2  \rfloor -3} \rceil \times 3(n+n'-1)$ having at most 4m+19n' edge bends. It follows that a n-vertex non-planar graph with O(n) crossings admits a three dimensional crossing-free polyline grid drawing with $O(n^2)$ volume.

A-2002-17 Timo Niemi, Marko Junkkari, Kalervo Järvelin, and Samu Viita, Advanced query language for manipulating complex entities. December 2002.
Abstract. Complex entities are one of the most popular ways to model relationships among data. Especially complex entities, known as physical assemblies, are popular in several applications. The existing query languages intended for manipulating complex entities support only extensional queries. Likewise, the user has to master in them the structures of complex entities completely, which is impossible if a physical assembly consists of a huge number of parts. Further, they do not support the manipulation of documents related to parts of physical assemblies. In this paper we introduce a novel, declarative and powerful query language, in which the above deficiencies have been eliminated. Our query language supports text information retrieval related to parts and it contains intensional and combined extensional-intensional querying primitives. These features afford the possibility of making queries of new types. In the paper we give several sample queries which demonstrate the usefulness of these query types. In addition, we show that conventional extensional queries can be formulated intuitively and compactly in our query language. Among others this is due to our querying primitives allowing removal of the explicit specification of navigation from the user.
A-2002-17 is available as paper copy only.

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