Technical reports 2008

A-2008-1 Pirjo Koivula, Johtaminen ja IT:n mahdollisuudet. Survey-tutkimus julkishallinnon johtajien käyttämistä IT:n mahdollisuuksista vuosina 1992 ja 2006. Helmikuu 2008.
Abstrakti. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin, miten IT tukee johtamistyötä julkishallinnossa ja miten se on muuttunut. Osakysymyksinä selvitettiin, miten laajaa ja monipuolista on johtajien IT:n käyttö julkishallinnossa; miten kirjallisuudessa on käsitelty johtamista, johdon tietojärjestelmiä ja johtamista tukevia sovelluksia julkishallinnon kontekstissa. Lisäksi tehtiin empiirinen pitkittäistutkimus siitä, mitä muutoksia on tapahtunut julkishallinnossa vuodesta 1992 vuoteen 2006 johdon IT:n mahdollisuuksien käytössä sekä mielipiteissä IT:n vaikutuksista.
Tutkimusaiheen käsittelyssä oli tarkoituksenmukaista tehdä monitieteellinen tutkimus, jossa korostuivat tietojärjestelmätieteen, johtamistieteen ja hallintotieteen näkökulmat. Pääongelmaan vastattiin kuvaamalla tehtyjen tutkimusten ja muun kirjallisuuden pohjalta IT:n mahdollisuuksia, johtamista sekä julkishallintoa tietoyhteiskunnassa. Eri sovellusten ja verkkopalveluiden käytön lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vastaajien käsityksiä siitä, miten IT:n käyttö on vaikuttanut tiedon hankintaan ja johtamisen eri tehtäviin. Lisäksi analysoitiin mielipiteitä IT:n vaikutuksista oman ja työyksikön toiminnan taloudellisuuteen, tuottavuuteen, vaikuttavuuteen sekä työviihtyvyyteen.
Kansainvälinen verkostoituminen näkyi videoneuvottelupalvelujen ja web-palveluiden käytössä. Julkisjohtamisen toimintaympäristöä havainnoitiin ja heikkoja signaaleja haettiin myös IT:tä hyödyntäen. Julkisjohtamiseen liittyvä benchmarking on mahdollista suorittaa yhä laajempana. Joillakin julkishallinnon aloilla tämä on tarkoituksenmukaista toteuttaa jopa maailmanlaajuisesti. Mobiilitoimiston käyttö ja ns. liikkuva työ ovat tulleet myös julkisjohtamiseen sekä hyöty- että haittavaikutuksineen.
Millainen johdon IT:n käyttö tukee nykyistä julkisjohtamista, jossa toimitaan muuttuvassa ja monipuolistuvassa toimintaympäristössä? Tähän vastaa osaltaan tutkimuksessa esitetty uusi johdon tietojärjestelmän sisältökuvaus ja käsitemääritelmä, jossa johdon raportointi on yksi osa-alue. Käytännössä ja tutkimustyössä on ollut suurena haittana se, että käytetyt käsitteet ovat olleet sisällöltään erilaisia. Tieteen kannalta tutkimuksen uusi tieto antaa perustaa uusien tutkimushypoteesien kattavampaan määrittelyyn sekä termien täsmällisempään määrittelyyn kyselyjen teon yhteydessä.
Yhdeksi uudeksi testattavaksi hypoteesiksi voin tutkimustulosten perusteella esittää, että tulevina vuosina monien johtavien viranhaltijoiden IT:n mahdollisuuksien käytössä tapahtuu edelleen olennaisia muutoksia. Tämän tutkimuksen kyselyihin vastanneet edustivat aktiivista edelläkävijöiden ryhmää.
A-2008-1 on ilmestynyt elektronisessa muodossa: Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 714.

A-2008-2 Carl-Erik Wikström, An investigation into factors for successful customer relationship management implementation: Change, information technology and the human being. May 2008.
Abstract. This dissertation explores qualitatively issues of CRM success from three perspectives: organizational change, the implementation of the information technology (IT) artefact and from the perspective of the role and qualities of the human being as a CRM success factor. In this study multiple approaches in exploring CRM success have been applied: first a case study into the phenomenon of change in a CRM implementation was conducted, secondly design science approach in investigating the piloting of CRM was applied, and thirdly the dissertation is concluded by a conceptual analytical study into the human-centredness of CRM.
Based on this dissertation it has been empirically shown that for successful CRM implementation it is important for the company to first establish a clear customer relationship strategy. First then should the company engage in the organizational transformations, which are in many cases needed in order to align business processes and people with the customer-focused strategy. In this study evidence is given to the fact that even though transformational issues may affect CRM success, change should be investigated from a broader perspective than focusing on intentional change events only: emergent and unintentional change should be included as important factors in future CRM success research, too. Moreover, it is shown in this study that the piloting of CRM does not necessarily support successful CRM implementation. On the contrary piloting may even raise the risk for failure.
Traditionally human beings are seen in a very fragmented manner in CRM, and most often only one type of human qualities like e.g., cognitive or emotional features are taken into account. In this study evidence is given that in most CRM approaches the prevailing conception of humans is monistic. The human being is seen as consisting of only one basic mode of being in that humans are conceptualized as objects with no mental and social qualities. The prevailing image of the human being in CRM is often a managerial one and it is suggested that CRM would better succeed if a more holistic approach to the human beings would be acknowledged. In order to understand the active human being as a whole, one needs to pay attention to both the interacting basic human modes of being and their tacit and explicit features in human knowledge management. In this dissertation the nature and qualities of humans in CRM theorization has been brought a fore, and thus new explications of the construct has been offered to serve as means for further research and also development of CRM applications.
Keywords: organizational change, CRM success, piloting, IS implementation, qualitative research, conception of the human being, human-centredness.
Ph.D. Thesis.
A-2008-2 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 741.

A-2008-3 Toni Vanhala and Jenni Anttonen (Eds.), Proceedings of EHTI'08: The First Finnish Symposium on Emotions and Human-Technology Interaction. May 2008.
A-2008-3 has appeared electronically as D-2008-3.

A-2008-4 Antti Järvelin, Applying Machine Learning Methods to Aphasic Data. June 2008.
Abstract. This thesis aimed to study the inner dynamics of both normal and disordered word production using machine learning methods. A set of experiments where machine learning methods were applied to naming data was performed. The data was produced by aphasic and non-aphasic speakers in various aphasia tests. In this thesis  two different approaches on applying these methods on aphasic data have been taken. In the first part, the efforts are concentrated on developing a computational model for simulating the actual cognitive naming process, i.e., lexicalization. Modeling lexicalization has both theoretical and practical benefits, as the models might provide new insight to the process of lexicalization and serve as a guide for treating aphasia. The latter part of this thesis explores the possibilities of applying machine learning classifiers to classify aphasic and non-aphasic speakers into groups based on their aphasia test results. This way, relationships between clinical aphasia syndromes could be identified from the classification results. Inconsistencies in the currently used aphasia classification system could also be revealed. On the other hand, these classifiers could be used as a basis for a decision support system to be utilized by clinicians diagnosing aphasic patients. Based on the results, it can be concluded that, when correctly applied, machine learning methods provide new insight to the spoken word production of aphasic and non-aphasic speakers. However, both application areas would greatly benefit from larger aphasia data sets available. This would enable more reliable evaluation of the models of lexicalization and classifiers developed for the data.
Keywords: machine learning, neural networks, classification, multi-layer perceptrons, aphasia.
Ph.D. Thesis.
A-2008-4 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 738.

A-2008-5 Minna-Kristiina Paakki, Consumer Trust in E-Commerce. A Feminist Ethnographic Study. June 2008.
Abstract. E-Commerce has become an important part of everyday life for consumers during the 21st century. The variety of services in e-commerce has widened in recent years and since the early years consumers have adopted those services as part of their everyday lives. Consumer trust in e-commerce is an individual, local and social matter combined with the technological side of e-commerce. The consumer’s own personal views and expectations have an influence on trust. These influences and aspects vary from consumer to consumer, but they can be recognized from their talk and the elements of their everyday lives: the social aspect, the communal aspect, the infrastructure aspect and the personal aspect.
Consumer trust in e-commerce is a topic that needs in-depth interviews and analysis, and ethnography allows that kind of work. To formulate trust is a process and feminist ethnography also about process: it is about understanding process, over time and space. Feminist ethnography is also about underlining the power that the consumer has in her/his life in terms of e-commerce and other aspect of their everyday lives. The shaping of feminist ethnography in information system studies is a novel entry point to research e-commerce and trust.
The consumer viewpoint in the framework of consumer related trust issues consists of society, community, consumer, e-vendor, e-services, e-product and communication channels. This framework takes into account the consumer’s viewpoint and the social influence of the consumer’s community into e-commerce services adoption and use. The consumer’s interpretations of trust and e-commerce are in the focal point of this research.
New ways of using e-commerce can and have been found and sometimes old habits follow into the world of e-commerce. Trust in e-commerce is a personal matter that includes many aspects of the consumer’s life: the personal and interpersonal, the public and private. Surrounding communities are present in consumers’ everyday lives and also in their use of e-commerce. Consumers make the decision (based on a feeling or rational thinking) to trust (or not to trust) in e-commerce in general or in eservices, e-products or e-vendors. Consumers are willing to take the risk to be vulnerable in their e-commerce consumption.
Keywords: trust, e-commerce, feminist ethnography, information systems, consumer.
Ph.D. Thesis.
A-2008-5 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 740.

A-2008-6 Timo Niemi, Turkka Näppilä and Kalervo Järvelin, Harmonization of XML-­based Data Sources. June 2008.
Abstract. Numerous approaches for integrating data from heterogeneous data sources exist. It is commonly assumed that the data sources remain quite stable and all sources to be integrated are known in advance. Hence an integration system can be built to integrate such heterogeneous sources. However, in practice, there is often a need to serve ad hoc data requirements concerning unexpected autonomous data sources containing volatile data. A different approach is therefore needed. We propose that when extracting data from XMLbased data sources data are harmonized. We introduce aconstructor algebra, which is a powerful tool for harmonizing XML data. This algebra forms for any XML document a unique relational representation, called the XML relation representation. We demonstrate that the XML relation representation supports the grouping and aggregation of data at different levels of granularity which is essential, for example, in OLAP applications.
Keywords: XML, data heterogeneity, dataharmonization.

A-2008-7 Tuomas Talvensaari, Comparable Corpora in Cross-Language Information Retrieval. September 2008.
Abstract. Cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) enables users to express queries in a language different from the language of the documents to be retrieved. For example, a Finnish-speaking person could pose a query to a CLIR system in Finnish (the source language) to retrieve documents written in English (the target language). The language barrier is usually crossed by translating the query into the target language, after which the documents can be retrieved with the methods of monolingual information retrieval (IR).
Aligned text collections (corpora) are common query translation resources in CLIR. A parallel corpus is a collection where texts in one language are aligned with their translations in another language. The aligned texts of a comparable corpus are more loosely related. They are not translations, but share topics and include common vocabulary in the two languages. Both kinds of corpora can be used to train statistical translation models, but parallel corpora are preferred because more dependable translation knowledge can be derived from them. However, parallel corpora do not exist for all language pairs and domains. Hence, it is sometimes necessary to resort to noisier comparable corpora.
This thesis proposes new methods for the acquisition, alignment, and employment of comparable corpora. The acquisition method is based on language-aware focused web crawling, where web content written in specific languages and discussing specific topics of interest is obtained by employing the hyperlink structure of the web. In the alignment phase, the source language documents are used as CLIR queries to retrieve target language documents. The similarity of the query to the documents, and various other factors, are used as evidence to form alignments between the source and target language documents.
The constructed corpora were employed in query translation as a cross-language similarity thesaurus, a structure where target language words are ranked based on their similarity with a source language word that is given as input. The highest ranking words are assumed to be either translations of the input word or related to it in some other manner.
The methods were evaluated with extensive IR experiments that covered different language pairs, domains, and test data. The proposed CLIR approach was combined with approaches based on bilingual dictionaries. The combined approaches outperformed pure dictionary-based translation. In addition, the comparable corpus translation performed better in domain-specific CLIR than translation utilizing high-quality parallel corpora. This suggests that the proposed methods are particularly useful in domains where CLIR resources are scarce.
Ph.D. Thesis.
A-2008-7 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 779.

A-2008-8 Erkki Koponen, The development, implementation and use of e-learning: critical realism and design science perspectives. December 2008.
Abstract. Utilisation of ICT (information and communication technology) in learning increases in societies. However, the research of the ICT utilisation in learning has mainly focused on the course level pedagogy or technology leaving larger multidisciplinary organisational views into shadow. This study extends the individual level monodisciplinary view of the research to group, organisation and society levels in which the pedagogy, social relations, overall management and ICT holistically are considered from a multidisciplinary perspective of Information Systems, Organisation Science and Education. However, Information Systems is emphasised.
The research problem of the study of the utilisation of ICT in learning concentrates, firstly, on the description and analysis of constructs. Secondly, the study concentrates on evaluating the methodological approaches including critical realism and design science. Theoretical triangulation is adopted as the methodology of this conceptual-analytic study. Thirdly, we formulate a holistic research framework including the pedagogy, community and social relations, organisation and overall management, as well as ICT, on the course, institute and society levels. Fourthly, we evaluate and analyse the learning models and their extensions in the ICT utilisation context. Fifthly, we evaluate and outline dispositions and activities in the development, implementation and use processes of the utilisation of ICT in learning. Finally, we describe and evaluate the practical examples and an international e-learning development project in which the researcher was involved. The aim of the international project was to produce recommendations for the development, implementation and use of higher education ICT utilisation in learning on the individual, organisation and society levels. In this study the utilisation of ICT in learning is called as e-learning.
Firstly, the outcomes of the study show that the appropriate methodological background as theoretical triangulation can be based on critical realism in evaluating the e-learning development, implementation and the use processes, and design research in outlining the e-learning development, implementation and use dispositions on the individual, organisational and interorganisational levels. These two different theoretical approaches can be juxtaposed in the same study.
Secondly, the outcomes of the study show that a more extensive than individual level research framework and design area is required in the research of the e-learning development, implementation and use processes. An individual student and teacher level framework from pedagogic perspective should be extended to cover the organisation and society levels from the pedagogy, community and social relations, organising and overall management as well as from the ICT perspectives.
Thirdly, the outcomes of the study show that the e-learning enables to extend learning as a holistic phenomenon which includes formal, informal, intuitive and unexpected learning. The holistic view of the learner as a physical, cognitive, emotional, social and cultural being needs holistic and flexible learning models to support all of these human characteristics intertwined. ICT may enable or constrain a holistic view of learning depending on the dispositions of e-learning. The e-learning situation can be organised more flexible than the conventional classroom based learning situation. From the learning theoretical perspective constructivism, experiential and social learning well support the e-learning in which the learner can extend conscious and unconscious experiences, experimentations and intrinsic motivation on individual and group levels.
Fourthly, the outlined flexible e-learning infrastructure shows that the e-learning development, implementation and use processes can be seen as resource based on work design problems in which human, ICT and informational resources are subject to be organised to enhance learning. In addition to the material and social possibilities in the e-learning system, also the constraints emerge. We found technical, informational, moulding, mediating, and cultural possibilities. However, the e-learning system may include at least technical, proscribing, enforcing, functional, and cultural constraints. In the work design of the e-learning complex network problems, the hierarchical decomposition problems and modularity problems may emerge. In the e-learning development, implementation and use processes the attainment of common understanding among the interested parties may become a challenge. Our solution proposal for this challenge is the e-learning community of knowing and finally the e-learning community of inquiry in which the learners, teachers, ICT and administrative staff work together by applying an action research method in order to attain a joint understanding on the group, institute and interinstitute levels. All the possibilities and constraints which emerge in the e-learning system can be collected under the notion of goal function which demonstrates the "goodness" of the e-learning system.
Finally, according to the evaluation of the e-learning practices, practical examples and the international e-learning project numerous recommendations for further research and practice are presented.
Keywords: e-learning, critical realism, design science, pedagogy, ICT, organisation, society.
Ph.D. Thesis.
A-2008-8 has appeared electronically as Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis, vol. 805.

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